Net proceeds from preceding Events go to Peter Cernansky Memorial Fund Inc. (PCMFund), and since 2018, split with Stamford Public Education Foundation (SPEF) for:

- Counseling and youth academic development initiatives at Westhill High School (WHS) as a prototype for program development for other Stamford and CT high Schools involving:
- Adaptation of NFL Foundation “Play It Smart” Program which AthLife Foundation adopted; a validated program per research of Al Petipas, PhD, emeritus professor of psychology and retired Director of Springfield College Center for Youth Development & Research.
- Use of as a national ‘platform’ and extensively used methodology for counseling development under “Play It Smart” and subsequent evolution. This has led to creation of Westhill HS (WHS) PurplePACT (PPACT), which stands for Players' Academic Counseling and Tutoring.
- PurplePACT has initiated specific mentoring, tutoring, test preparation, study hall, and counseling initiatives per AthLife methodology.
- Working with SPEF, focus on further integration of counseling prototype effort with Stamford high schools two year strategic study & reform initiative with emphasis on transition from middle to high school.
- PCMFund helped fund initiative creating similar prototype effort at Stamford High School named ‘Knight Life’.
- Since 2018, PCMFund has directed its primary funding efforts to supporting Stamford Public Education Foundation (SPEF) which has taken over the oversight, administration and guidance of the academic support and mentoring initiatives in the case of Westhill and Stamford High Schools, PPACT and KnightLife efforts per Stamford Board of Education designation. PCMFund has additionally funded AthLife Foundation to additionally support from a national network perspective SPEF’s efforts and PPACT/KnightLife. Academic ‘coach counselors’ are hired and present at both Stamford high schools per these initiatives under SPEF oversight and AthLife Foundation input (e.g., attendance at annual AthLife Foundation Training Conference and more). There is an expressed desire to expand these initiatives to all Stamford middle schools per tentative experiences at Cloonan Middle School interacting with Westhill High School football seniors coming to orient 8th graders to life in high school (funding dependent in part).
- WHS PPACT is expanding to all sports with the intention involving all WHS all extra-curricular activities; likewise with Stamford HS KnightLife.
- Initiate, maintain and expand scholarship(s) in Peter's name with focus on various applicant criteria in keeping with the Peter Cernansky Memorial Fund mission (e.g., Westhill HS Academy of Finance scholarship).
- In 2019, PCMFund with AthLife Foundation has seeded two further initiatives at New haven’s Hillhouse and Hamden High Schools because of the request of educators, administrators and sports coaches who once worked under the old NFL national ‘Play It Smart’ program taken over by AthLife Foundation. The initiative at HillHouse HS is named in honor of recently retired judge John A. Keyes with additional funding support for PCMFund on this front from the Scott & Tracey Duesterdick Family Fund.
- PCMFund is working with AthLife Foundation to initiate and seed an effort at Lakeland High School in central Florida either in Fall 2020 or 2021 in honor of an anonymous individual supportive and understanding of PCMFund efforts to help youth transition adolescence using sports and/or extra-curricular activities to help maintain developmental and academic focus in the 8th through 12th grades.
- PCMFund supports Stamford Youth Foundation/Football (SYF) per annual grant applications with middle school football & cheer programs (in approximately equal proportions) to assist in the transition to high school. Westhill HS, via the PurplePACT effort, pays for interested SYF football coaches GLAZIER Coaching Clinic class/seminar attendance and ongoing on-line access to further coaching development and capabilities in broadly developing youth in their charge. Each year PCMFund has made contributions to SYF.
Contribution made to AthLife to help fund Bay Area YMCA (California) AthLife program initiative (e.g., in less than 48 hours over 70 high school boys & girls signed up for program participation).
- PCMFund has made contributions to fund AthLife program efforts involving: (1) the Bay Area YMCA working within Burton HS in San Francisco, California (2 years running) and in the past for two high schools in Ohio: for (2) Canton McKinley HS (which recently merged with another public HS to become the consolidated HS for Canton) and (3) Sandusky. Please note that PCMFund receives contributions from all across the United States including California and Ohio.
- PCMFund has made contributions to Stamford PEACE, a Stamford-based academic development initiative directed to middle school (and primary and high school level as well) basketball team league participants.
- PCMFund per annual grant applications supports Boys & Girls Club of Stamford (BGCS) with focus on late middle school/early high school youth development and support efforts. Part of PCMFund’s focus with BGCS is to help Stamford's Yerwood Center under BGCS which fit PCMFund's mission of helping all students transit adolescence with particular focus on the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades.